
As we approach the years end, flowering gets in its stride.  Banksias are in big bud, beginning to burst - and in numbers!  The season well and truely begins in December, but when will it end?  In 2023 we are still picking Banksias at the end of June, where as as little as 12 years ago, season finished with the frosts of ANZAC Day.

All photos ©Bilby Blooms


The wonderful large flowering Eucalyptus macrocarpa (Rose of the West) and its hybrids with wonderful foliage add focal wonder to our bouquets.  Surrounding these huge flowers is a selection of filling colour, be it yellows, pinks, reds or oranges of Kangaroo Paws, or the white of rice flowers, we have a delicious selection of mouth watering colour and texture to liven up the occasion or room