Real Wild Flowers

Bilby Blooms!

Bilby Blooms!

Bilby Logo

Come to our Open Day, the last Saturday of September - 25th of September 2021.  (Or October 23 depending on COVID) … Though not focusing on floriculture, the garden and wildflowers always feature!

Many of the plants seen on these pages are available on the day, some come over and where we do what we do!


Frosts are finishing, and the weather can easily exceed 30°C - what a crazy place/climate/era we live in.  The spring flowering is in full steam.  Early white wax, Kangaroo Paws feature, along with the large flowering mallees


The season is underway … finally!  After the long cold and short days of winter, it is, remarkable, soon for daylight savings to kick in.  It is amazing when you work to the days light this clerical change really messes thing up!